About Us

Indian Pest Control Services is one of growing and well organized pest management service provider. Indian Pest Control born with a desire to provide a safe and healthy environment to its customers. Indian Pest Control offers a concrete pest solution to make your family happy through our skilled personnel and quality product and equipments. We offer complete Pest Management Solutions in commercial as well as residential premises and soon about to arrive at your premise. We want your support to know your problems and to educate you about the PEST CONLTROL and its need. Our quality and reliability make us committed to deliver the pest free environment to our customers not only to retain our brand image, but also give you a happiness of hygiene by delivering more value added services to our customers. Over the years, Indian Pest Control has constantly endeavored to introduce updated and more cost-effective pest management technology for both services and products. Vision and foresight clubbed with the desire to constantly improvement has enabled us to retain our premier status in the country today. Indian Pest Control is growing fast & rapidly covering Indian Market and your satisfaction will generate your trust on us.


We will prove us up to your expectations in every way and assure you that you will find an effective pest management service provider who possesses the ability to understand and anticipate your every need and delivers efficient results.



The finest quality pesticides used by us are registered with and approved by the CENTRAL INSECTICIDE BOARD (CIB), a Government of India body controlling and regulating the use of insecticides in India.




  • Gum Pad (for rodant)
  • Bromodiolon Cake (for rodent)
  • Cyfluthrin (for flies)
  • Deltamethrin (for cockroaches and other crawling insect)
  • Fipronil Gel (for cockroaches)
  • Imidacloprid Gel (for cockroaches)
  • Imidacloprid 30.5% SC (Termite)
  • Bifenthrin 2.5% EC (Termite)
  • Lemdacyhelothrin 10% WP
  • Chlorpyriphose 20%